Mr. Koby Levy
Director of digital Transformation and IoT Iberia of Huawei technologies
Director of IoT and digital transformation for Huawei in Spain.
Part of Huawei’s Global Solutions Elite Team for Western Europe
Leads Huawei’s IoT and Smart city marketing and sales activities in Spain, promoting local partners eco-system and opening global markets for partners in delivering end-to-end Smart-XXX projects.
With strong technical and sales background for more than 25 years – now leading Digital transformation programs across Western Europe, the UK and CEE & Nordics – working across the carrier telecom market as well as public sector Enterprise and industry markets.
Main topic: Hyper connected society driving better tourism experience
Huawei works with cities, governments and industries on building the hyper connected environment to support the next generation smart citizen and smart tourist environments.
Enabling visitors to personalize their experiences in a shorter space and time, while enabling businesses, culture centers and tourism operators operate in a fine tuned niches to deliver successful business results.
Al that within the context of smart government and smart cities – which allow the smooth and secure operations utilsing the right technology at the right place and time – all interconnected via the “connected brain” of the city.