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28-29 November

Since the first INTO Seminar in 2004, the event has become consolidated as a platform for debating research proposals and presenting good business practices. After 13 editions of the INTO Seminar, several tourism-related issues have been analysed, such as cultural, water-sport and health products, and including marketing tools such as branding or social media. There have also been debates on new courses of action to address the sector’s sustainability concerning climate change, seasonality and other issues. Other topics discussed refer to using technologies implemented in the tourism industry to analyse tourists’ behaviour and to create and/or transform tourist destinations in a way that is sustainable.

On 28 and 29 November, entrepreneurs, researchers, teachers, students, professionals working in several areas and representatives of public authorities, among others, will gather with the aim of analysing the potential of the circular economy for tourism. They will also discuss the main impacts, opportunities and challenges of implementing a circular strategy in companies and tourist destinations.

The main objective of the INTO Seminar is to foster knowledge transfer and drive innovation throughout the tourism industry’s value chain to improve the competitiveness of the Balearic Islands.


8:45 AM


9:00 AM

Official Opening

Dr. Daniel Christian Wahl
9:30 AM

Keynote: Is a regenerative tourism possible? Tourism as a catalyst for regional regeneration, circular economies, and climate resilience

Moderator: Dr. Daniel Christian Wahl - Consultant and educator in regenerative development, whole systems design, and transformative innovation

Coffee break

Dr. Marta Jacob

Session I: The role of the Administration and the DMOs. Success stories

Moderator: Dr. Marta Jacob - Professor of the Department of Applied Economics at University of the Balearic Islands
This session’s main objective is to analyse the role of government, local authorities and DMOs (Destination Management Organisations) in the transition towards a circular model at tourist destinations. The session will combine the views of speakers representing the government, local authorities and DMOs with speakers providing an academic approach. Specifically, the aim is to identify recommendations to improve the contribution made by the government, local authorities and DMOs in the transition towards a circular tourism model.
  • Tourism in a Circular Economy: Key Considerations
  • Speaker: Dr. Paul Ekins
  • Professor of Resources and Environment Policy at UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources
  • The role of digital platforms in the Spanish tourist destinations
  • Mallorca circular: Real circular economy practices
  • Sustainability is crucial in the Smart Tourist Destination Model
Dr. Juan Mulet

Session II: ICTs and environmental technologies for the circular economy

Moderator: Dr. Juan Mulet - PhD in Engineering and a Master in Business Administration (MBA)
Misuse and abuse of technology is one of the reasons why the linear economy today poses a danger for the planet’s sustainability. However, technology is also unquestionably a means of paving the way for the circular economy without significantly lowering the economic and social development levels that have already been attained. This Session will present trusted technologies for a fast, effective implementation of the circular economy.

The first paper will be on the information and communication technologies (ICTs) that will form the basis for a radical change in the production system, because the only way to make reintroducing materials and equipment into production processes viable is by having appropriate information storage and communication processes. Advanced big data and connectivity solutions must allow materials and equipment to be identified so they can enter the circular economy cycle individually. The second paper will address the environmental technologies that help us treat waste generated by human activity and recover materials and energy to reintroduce them into the biological or technical production system. Finally, the third paper will specifically concern the use of renewable energies in the tourism sector, given their environmental and economic importance. The Session will end by throwing the floor open to attendees.

  • Towards smart and circular economy: the role of digitalisation 
  • Environmental technologies for the circular economy
  • How ICTs have helped the development of the circular economy


Mr. Carlos León
Mrs. Rebeca Arnedo

Workshop: Circular tourism business models

Coordinators: Mr. Carlos León - Co-Founder of Sustainn Mrs. Rebeca Arnedo - Co-Founder of SUSTAINN.
It aims to bring legislation and market trends closer, to describe the different circular business models, their applicability to tourism sector and to identify competitiveness improvement opportunities of products, processes and services.

First, a brief keynote will be given describing legislation and state of the art trends about the Circular Economy, describing the different circular business models and its applicability to the sector.

Next, a “hands-on” workshop will be carried out, with LEGO and design thinking methodologies, identifying and developing ideas of potential circular business models in a collaborative way to solve a specific challenge to carry out sustainable tourism activities.
18:00 pm

End of sessions

Mr. Benjamin Miles
9:00 AM

Keynote - Son Amar Green: Solution for pollution

Moderator: Mr. Benjamin Miles - General Manager of Son Amar
Session III will address circular economy progress and implementation in the accommodation and catering sector. The debate will focus on the immense importance of circular use practices on the construction and/or refurbishment of tourist establishments, since the sector makes huge demands in this area. Topics will focus on the construction and refurbishment of establishments and their design concepts to ensure maximum leverage of all the resources they generate and consume. The session will also address practices that are already being implemented in running tourism businesses to ensure optimum use of resources.
  • Latest-generation NZEB construction systems with high thermal performance and comfort
  • Majorcan family economy applied to the life cycle of hotel infrastructures and their management
  • Circularity of tourist destinations
  • Moving beyond plastics

Coffee break

Dr. Diego R. Medina

Sesión IV - The involvment of tourists and residents. Success stories

Moderator: Dr. Diego R. Medina - Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)
This session’s main objective is to analyse the role tourists and residents play in developing a tourism model based on the circular economy. Specifically, the aim is to identify recommendations to improve the contribution made by residents and tourists in developing circular tourism. This session will include renowned speakers from various fields. At the end of the presentations there will be a short debate so that attendees can interact with the speakers. We hope to see you there.
  • Packaging waste management and recycling as a vector for implementing the circular economy at tourist destinations
  • What role can tourists and residents play in order to promote circular tourism - examples from Scotland
  • How to carry out the transition towards a more circular tourist activity in the hotel sector: The role of DMOs, resident population, and tourism sector.
  • Speaker: Dr. Marta Jacob
  • Professor of the Department of Applied Economics at University of the Balearic Islands
  • Speaker: Dr. Carmen Florido
  • Vice Dean of Postgraduate of the Faculty of Business and Tourism of the ULPGC

Close of Seminar


INTO 2018

meet our speakers

Dr. Daniel Christian Wahl

Dr. Daniel Christian Wahl

Consultant and educator in regenerative development, whole systems design, and transformative innovation

view profile
Mr. Rafael Guinea

Mr. Rafael Guinea

General Manager of TIRME

view profile
Dr. Paul Ekins

Dr. Paul Ekins

Professor of Resources and Environment Policy at UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources

view profile
Mr. José Juan Lorenzo

Mr. José Juan Lorenzo

CEO Next Technology & Tourism

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Dr. Totti Könnölä

Dr. Totti Könnölä

Managing Director of Insight Foresight Institute

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Mr. Antonio Ballester

Mr. Antonio Ballester

CEO of ESTEL Ingeniería y Obras

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Mr. Jesús Huerta

Mr. Jesús Huerta

Specification Manager at BMI GROUP

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Mr. David Mora

Mr. David Mora

Freelance Consultant of Emoturismo

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Mrs. Soraya Romero

Mrs. Soraya Romero

Sustainability Director EMEA at Iberostar Group

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Dr. Marta Jacob

Dr. Marta Jacob

Professor of the Department of Applied Economics at University of the Balearic Islands

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Mr. Benjamin Miles

Mr. Benjamin Miles

General Manager of Son Amar

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Mr. Julio López

Mr. Julio López

Manager of Institutional Relations at ECOEMBES

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Mr. Carlos León

Mr. Carlos León

Co-Founder of Sustainn

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Mr. Manuel Aguirre

Mr. Manuel Aguirre

Founding Partner at Sostinendo

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Mrs. Emma Whittet

Mrs. Emma Whittet

Project Manager-Food Waste at Zero Waste Scotland

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Mrs. Rebeca Arnedo

Mrs. Rebeca Arnedo

Co-Founder of SUSTAINN.

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Dr. Carmen Florido

Dr. Carmen Florido

Vice Dean of Postgraduate of the Faculty of Business and Tourism of the ULPGC

view profile
Mr. Víctor Badorrey

Mr. Víctor Badorrey

Director of Institutional Relations of SEGITTUR

view profile
Mr. Manuel Molina

Mr. Manuel Molina

Director of Hosteltur

view profile


Dr. Marta Jacob

Dr. Marta Jacob

Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB)

Dr. Juan Mulet

Dr. Juan Mulet

PhD in Engineering and a Master in Business Administration (MBA)

Dr. Joan Enric Capellà

Dr. Joan Enric Capellà

Founder and CEO at SOM

Dr. Diego R. Medina

Dr. Diego R. Medina

Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)

Contact and Location Info

PARC BIT Centre Empresarial Son Espanyol

C/Laura Bassi, 1 07121, Palma

+34 971 784 940